Drawings for Donald, Hyperallergic, Salina Art Center, Print the Future

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It's been awhile since I've updated here; and awhile since I've posted anything about the #DrawingsforDonald. But there's a brand new one just published in Hyperallergic this past week with a new piece of writing of mine about a very poignant situation.

Some more big news: the complete project (all 365 days) is now on view at the wonderful Salina Art Center in Salina, KS (a very special place). And to top that all off, Print the Future Press in Amsterdam will be a mammoth artist book project of mine in the next couple of months with the complete drawings and other visual matter.

Check out the piece in Hyperallergic--in which I talk about teaching color theory, some issues of race, white privilege and conservative victimhood. Here's a link to it.

Lots of other happenings and exciting changes afoot. Some dispatches from this year's Berlinale coming soon, other writing projects, performances in Zimbabwe in May 2018 as The Afield, big life shifts et al.