It’s been a busy summer in the studio and at the movies. Lots of new writing out in the past month. Check out this piece on “Fresh Meat: Giallo Restorations Part II” at the Quad. Also, pick up a copy of the summer issue of BOMB magazine where you can read my piece on Angela Schanelec’s latest, “I Was At Home But…,” which premiered at this past year’s Berlinale and will have its North American debut at the Toronto Film Festival in September. I was also lucky enough to write this piece about Queer Kino—German Queer Cinema from the 1970s and 80s not too long ago at the Quad. Kiarostami retrospective opens this week at IFC and I’ll have a piece on that coming soon as well as something on the new Chantal Akerman memoir published by Song Cave. Wrapping up some new sculptures, paintings, and short film as well. Stay cool. First two images are courtesy Arrow Films and the last is a new work in progress. xoxo.