It’s been a busy summer in the studio and at the movies. Lots of new writing out in the past month. Check out this piece on “Fresh Meat: Giallo Restorations Part II” at the Quad. Also, pick up a copy of the summer issue of BOMB magazine where you can read my piece on Angela Schanelec’s latest, “I Was At Home But…,” which premiered at this past year’s Berlinale and will have its North American debut at the Toronto Film Festival in September. I was also lucky enough to write this piece about Queer Kino—German Queer Cinema from the 1970s and 80s not too long ago at the Quad. Kiarostami retrospective opens this week at IFC and I’ll have a piece on that coming soon as well as something on the new Chantal Akerman memoir published by Song Cave. Wrapping up some new sculptures, paintings, and short film as well. Stay cool. First two images are courtesy Arrow Films and the last is a new work in progress. xoxo.
Christian Petzold interview in the Brooklyn Rail
I’m beyond thrilled to have a long interview with the amazing filmmaker #ChristianPetzold in the March issue of The Brooklyn Rail. What a generous human and mind. In which we talk about linguistic mishaps, exile as a weapon, the social space of cars and more. Pick up a copy or read here . #contemporaryart #film #germancinema #berlinschool #cinema #filmcriticism
Drawings for Donald, Hyperallergic, Salina Art Center, Print the Future
It's been awhile since I've updated here; and awhile since I've posted anything about the #DrawingsforDonald. But there's a brand new one just published in Hyperallergic this past week with a new piece of writing of mine about a very poignant situation.
Some more big news: the complete project (all 365 days) is now on view at the wonderful Salina Art Center in Salina, KS (a very special place). And to top that all off, Print the Future Press in Amsterdam will be a mammoth artist book project of mine in the next couple of months with the complete drawings and other visual matter.
Check out the piece in Hyperallergic--in which I talk about teaching color theory, some issues of race, white privilege and conservative victimhood. Here's a link to it.
Lots of other happenings and exciting changes afoot. Some dispatches from this year's Berlinale coming soon, other writing projects, performances in Zimbabwe in May 2018 as The Afield, big life shifts et al.
#2017 was an incredible and bizarre year. I traveled to 8 countries. I went to #LA and #joshuatree where I feel like half my heart is. I made a #drawingaday for @realdonaldtrump. I had an amazing group of collaborators and supporters help realize projects in #albaquerque #wichita #zimbabwe #nebraska #nyc and more. I wrote a lot on art and through art for @hyperallergic and @brooklynrail and got to share some incredible things I saw. I turned 40. @rebeccafischerviolin and performed all over as @intheafield. 2018 will be a year of big big changes and news for us and I could not be more excited. Thanks @centralfeaturescontemporaryart @ventureroom @officialhifa @fiendish_plots @nationalsawdust @harvesterarts and all the others for support. I am beyond grateful 🙏. More to come. #art #contemporaryart #contemporaryphoto #interdisciplinary #performance #video #photo #drawingsfordonald
Drawings for Donald on instagram and in Hyperallergic
Ugh I'm way behind on updating the site with Donald Drawings. I'm hoping to get this fuller and up-to-date in the next few days. You can always check them out daily on instagram @artiswaydifferent
Also, there's now been seven (!!) features in Hyperallergic of Donald Drawings and accompanying statements. Here's the latest
A few images from our performance as The Afield at Harare International Festival of the Arts in Zimbabwe this past week. What an incredible time! Amazing people, amazing and enormous festival. Amazing everything. We made a new intro for this we're pretty excited about too
In the darkroom, Zimbabwe and Wearables
It's been a busy couple of months in the studio. Lots of darkroom work and some wearable paintings coming soon. @RebeccaFischer and I are getting ready to go to Zimbabwe as The Afield.
Drawings for Donald in Hyperallergic
As some of you know I launched a project called "Drawings for Donald" on January 20, 2017--a drawing a day everyday for 365 days for Donald. Last weekend I was very excited the project (along with a statement of mine) was featured in Hyperallergic's great new weekend column "Drawing in the Time of Fear and Lies". I'm pretty excited to share this. Check out my drawings and my piece here and follow more drawings on Instagram and elsewhere
The Afield at National Sawdust in Brooklyn
Friday January 6 Rebecca Fischer and I performed as The Afield at National Sawdust in Brooklyn for the Ferus Festival. Such an honor to be on this even and share the stage with amazing artists.
Massive Filter, Valletta, Malta in December!
The past few months we've been hunkering down in the studio getting ready for this solo exhibition in Valletta, Malta. "Massive Filter" is an installation consisting of large-scale collaged drawings and video. More soon! #installation #drawing #collage #video #projection.
Time Pieces Johnny Carson Theater
Getting ready for #timepieces at the #johnnycarsontheater @unlarts with @rebeccafischerviolin and #brittanycoudriet. Stage set here for #ttd #birdless:lost things. #tentinydances #contemporaryart #performance #projections
DesignInquiry/the afield
Photo courtesy Rana Young
Hi guys, here's a little blog/post about the very special @DesignInquiry and @Rebeccafischerviolin's and my work at their Vinalhaven Residency this summer and what we're doing with this new #interdisciplinary collaboration with great pieces from composers like #ByroAuYong. Thanks @RanaYoung for this great photo. Here's a link to the post:
Island Residencies (what we've been up to)
Islands have been a big part of our life recently. We were lucky enough to have a residency with #DesignInquiry on Vinalhaven off the coast of Maine. Then another through VCCA and the St. James Cavalier Center on the islands of Malta and Gozo. And there's even more to come, but that's still a secret for now...
Anyway, here's a little of what we've been up to--shooting new video for projections and performance with @rebeccafischerviolin, as well as producing medium format, polaroids, and Super 8 overseas. Oh and drawing, lots of drawing. And some things in-between. AND listening to what the rocks have to say. Check out the images below:
Strange encounters
We here at artiswaydifferent have been busily chipping away at a new video/photo installation and project we're very excited about. Super 8, collage, medium format photo, Polaroids and lots of other exciting things entering into the weird world of this. Some old friends figure prominently into this--familiar faces you'll recognize. But we're also working with the wonderful Brittany Coudriet, one of the main actresses for the video. Here she is pictured with a strange figure she meets along the way. We can't wait to tell you more soon. #video #installation #newshoot #contemporaryart
New Year New Project
First images from shooting the past few days
New Wolves, ghostesses, and Drake Ghosts in the store
New daily drawing friends available in the store:
Darger HQ Representation
Very excited to announce that I will now have work represented by the fabulous Darger HQ and in the company of some very exciting artists near and far wherever you are. It's such a great place with a strong mission and vision. #dargerhq @dargerhq Check them out and my artist page:
Drake Ghost with Turrell Hoodie (can't stop, won't stop)
We're having a hard time stopping these Drake/Turrell drawings. Sometimes, inexplicably, something get under your skin. We'll talking about this more soon with @cultureisland, but for now here's another. Available today in the store
So many ghostesses to choose from!
So many ghostesses to choose from on a day like today it's hard to decide what to post!! So today we'll post six of our favorite #dearghostessesthankyou #drawings. All available today in the store. PayPal $60 to and tell us which you want and we'll send it off! #happyhalloween #ghosts #dailydrawing #contemporaryart